All Star Seal Coating Inc.

Home Driveway Seal Coating

Home Driveway Seal Coating

Before - After

Home Driveway Seal Coating
All Star Seal Coating has been Seal Coating Asphalt driveways and Parking Lots on Long Island for over 25 years. We use the finest products available in the industry. Our team of professionals always puts forth it's greatest efforts, and is dedicated to exceeding our clients expectations. No job is too big or small. If you would like to seal coat your driveway, or commercial parking lot. Please call for a free estimate.

We can seal coat any size driveway, and offer a customer tailored application for each driveway. Velve Top sealer is the finest seal coat on the market. Be sure to ask if the company you select is using Velve Top sealer
Our experience in commercial applications will enable us to navigate any commercial project. We can install and repair parking stops. If your parking lot can not be completely closed, we can seal the lot in various stages and allow your business to run uninterrupted as we protect and beautify your parking area.
If your parking area needs to be repaired. We will saw cut and remove damage areas. Prepare the base accordingly. Supply and install N.Y.S. Type# 6 Top Grading Course asphalt.
We offer several options for crack filling for commercial and residential applications. Usually for commercial applications we use a/c emulsion, and for residential applications a fiberglass filler. A slurry mix can be used for both commercial and residental applications
If you would like to keep your existing striping lay out that would be fine. But we could also offer an entirely new layout that could include increasing parking stalls. Adding hatchways or Handi Cap stops, and "No Parking" areas. In addition we could number or letter each stall.